No one’s favorite page
Okay, let’s get through this as quickly as we can so that I don’t have to talk about myself for too long. Call me Omni, I’m 30 years old and I’m a storyteller. Not necessarily in that order.
But Omni, I hear you say, it seems like you’re pretty deep into character design, so what’s with the pretentiously vague introduction? And to that I say, why are you typing here this is my text box get out. But also, you’re right.
While I focus on character design, my background in theater/film as an actor, writer, and director is something that I heavily lean on when approaching any sort of art. I think you’d agree (since we’re close now) that in the end, it’s all about figuring out how to tell a certain story in the way that will honor it most. I live in the unknowns between the exciting initial idea and the final manifestation of that dream baby, lurking from the shadows.
Yeah, that one got away from me. I just get very passionate about stories and collaborative works. Look, at the end of the day I can brag my pants off here like any other portfolio website, or you can take the plunge and talk to me directly if you scroll down. Let’s chat.