By Sand; By Flame

"To the one I love more than you'll ever know. This world is not the same as it was. I have learned so much, seen so many impossible things. We live in an amazing world - one that not everyone can see, I know that now. I want you to know that too. It might help explain to you why... why I failed you. I was a cop. I had a small life, but you were in it. That's all I really needed; and I lost it all in just one day.

Suddenly I was alone and had nothing. My pain was so huge that it drew the attention of something utterly unique. I prayed for help and I was answered, by The Phoenix. It made me understand that humans shape the world around them. Religion, beliefs, fiction and reality. It's all meaningless. All the same thing. Do you see why I'm telling you this, my everything? Because with all I've been through there's one thing I'm sure of. The thing that I believe in so hard it burns. I will see you again."


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